The coastal area of Bangladesh is 47201 sq. Bangladesh's coastal zone spans over 580 km and includes territory where 28 percent of the population resides. Bangladesh J Microbiol, Volume 29, Number 1, June 2012, pp 1-6 Original Article Prevalence of Vibrio alginolyticus in Sediment Samples of River and Coastal Areas of Bangladesh R. Siddiqui1, M. M. Alam1, M. N. Naser2, Y. Otomo3, M. Yasmin1, J. Nessa1 and C. R. Ahsan1* 1Department of Microbiology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2Department of Zoology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka . Bangladesh Geography. Recently drainage congestion becomes additional burden in the coastal area of Bangladesh. near India-Bangladesh border area and had an area of 2,500 sq m in 1974 as per the satellite data released by USA. Water scarcity could displace 700 million people by 2030, and people in the coastal areas of Bangladesh are already having to migrate amid the harsh conditions they face every day. Due to the rise in soil salinity, Chittagong and Khulna districts are . on Climate Change (IPCC, 2001) , coastal area of Bangladesh may go under saline water by 2050. The extremely strong wind blew away the tin roof of Sabura's house and a powerful tidal surge smashed . 1) are considered in this study; these . DHAKA, Bangladesh, Jan 15 2019 - As a country with a large coastline, the adverse impacts of saltwater intrusion are significant in Bangladesh. Due to salinity, food production is less than the requirement of 160 million people in the world every year. The coast of Bangladesh, located at the head of Bay of Bengal, is a low lying, micro to macro tidal coast with varying tide amplitude of 2 - 4 m. The coastline stretches about 580 km along the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) delta. This paper explains the problem, faced by shrimp cultivators in the coastal area of Bangladesh and the solution of those problems with the current attitude of shrimp farmers on shrimp culture. The coastal zone of Bangladesh 2.1 Coastal boundary Bangladesh, a flood plain delta, is a land of rivers and canals. Bangladesh Rice Research Institute has . . "Spatial Prediction of Seaweed Habitat for Mariculture In the Coastal Area of Bangladesh Using a Generalized Additive Model." Algal research, v. 60 ,. interior coast and exterior coast. Certain similarities and differences were observed in the epidemiology of the disease in Teknaf when compared with urban Dhaka and rural Matlab. People in Bangladesh coastal areas faces extreme drinking water challenges because of higher water salinity levels. Cyclone has both direct and indirect effects on human life and socio-economic development of a country. Spatial prediction of seaweed habitat for mariculture in the coastal area of Bangladesh using a Generalized Additive Model MLA Subrata Sarker, et al. . Coastal zone of Bangladesh consists of 19 coastal districts that are Jessore, Narail, Gopalganj, Shariatpur, Chandpur, Satkhira, Khulna, Bagerhat, Pirozpur, Jhalakati, Barguna, Barisal, Patuakhali, Bhola, Lakshmipur, Noakhali, Feni, Chittagong, and Cox's Bazar [ 1 ]. In agricultural sector, rice was the main crop in the area, in the 1950s, . Due to the rise in temperature, crop production will be reduced by about 30%. However, rice production decreased regularly, because of tidal flooding and rising salinity . Director General of Bangladesh Rice Research Institute Shahjahan . Coastal areas cover about 20%. Sumsun and Haseeb, A.S. Md. Though climate change has pushed Bangladesh's southern zone to the edge, communities fight back to recover from this situation, and the result has started to become evident in some areas. "As a result of climate change, salinity in Bangladesh's coastal areas has increased [a great deal], causing a lack of sweet water. The dynamics of land use change have been attributed to low and unstable food production in the coastal region. The Indian States of west bengal, assam . Due to salinity, food production is less than the requirement of 160 million people in the world every year. The Indian States of west bengal, assam . Bangladesh has improved the resilience of its highly vulnerable coastal zone, having an integrated approach of cyclone shelters, strengthened polder systems, nature-based solutions, and early warning systems. Coastal vulnerabilities Vulnerabilities Sea level rising Coastal erosion Cyclone and storm surges Pollutions Salinity intrusion Water logging and flood Diseases Deforestati on 6. 35.1 million people are living in the coastal areas are Bangladesh which are counted as 28 percent of total population size of the country. . pp. Extended Area in Bangladesh: The coastal zone of Bangladesh lies within the tropical zone between 21-23' N and 89-93' E. The coast of Bangladesh is about 700 km long and can be broadly divided into three regions: the deltaic eastern region (Pacific type), the deltaic central region, and the stable deltaic western region (Atlantic type). 6.733. The rate of local relative sea level rise is 7 mm/year around the coastal areas of Bangladesh (Emery and Aubrey, 1990). 200 respondents have been selected . In Chittagong Coastal Plain, salt pan-shrimp area increased with the expense of single and/or double cropland. These four sites are representatives of the entire coastal areas of our country. This paper is based on available secondary sources major cyclones hit the coastal belt of Bangladesh from the (published and grey literature) on the impacts of climate past 200 years [16]. Around 40 per cent of the population here are children. The coastal zone has a population of 38.52 million (BBS 2011). The Government of Bangladesh has issued an early warning Level 2 (danger) alert in the coastal area, indicating a cyclone has formed and may be approaching. It extends from 20'34N to 26'38N latitude and from 88'01E to 92'41E longitude. The Bangladeshi part of the Sundarbans comprises 60 % of the whole area which is largely a flat coastal land formed across the area of ancient Ganges delta (ADB, 1998: 1). miles. Shahin Alam ∗ Md. Kabir and others were present on the occasion. Out of 2.85 million hectares of the coastal and offshore areas about 0.83 millions hectares are arable lands, which cover over 30% of the total cultivable lands of Bangladesh. Because the weather and condition of water & soil in these places are very suitable for growing Shrimps. Then, on May 20, Cyclone Amphan, one of the strongest storms in decades, hit coastal areas of Bangladesh and India, leaving about 118 dead and affecting millions. 1. At present, the coastal belt of Bangladesh has 139 "polders" or low-lying tracts of land enclosed by earthen embankments. In all the study areas, settlement area considerably increased over time. The geographical location and climatic condition of the country are responsible for cyclone and other natural disasters. The geomorphology of Bangladesh has always made the country vulnerable to natural hazards such as storm surges, cyclones, inundation, and seawater intrusion. As their heights need to be reassessed, all polders, whether sea-facing or inland, will benefit from mangroves in the foreshore area - the land along the water's edge. CODEC has been growing and evolving into efficient and effective non-governmental development organization in the coastal area of Bangladesh. Though, initial outcome of this intervention was positive, it has also caused severe damages to livelihood of people. the coastal areas of bangladesh has been classified into two broad categories viz. Information on the extent to which long term climate changes, weather variability In the coastal areas like Cox's Bazar, Teknaf, Kutubdia, Bhola, Patuakhali, Barguna etc we can grow shrimps very easily. An increase in sea level raises the base level of rivers, which in turn reduces the gradient of river flow. A higher percentage of the population lives below the absolute poverty line in the coastal area than in the rest of the country. Bangladesh (/ b æ ŋ l ə ˈ d ɛ ʃ /; Bengali: বাংলাদেশ, pronounced [ˈbaŋlaˌdeʃ] ()), officially the People's Republic of Bangladesh, is a country in South Asia.It is the eighth-most populous country in the world, with a population exceeding 163 million people in an area of either 148,460 square kilometres (57,320 sq mi) or 147,570 square kilometres (56,980 sq mi . Since it is not possible for that people to mitigate this effect, therefore, adaptation to climate change impacts is their natural choice. safe water supply in many areas of Bangladesh through improved water supply sources comprising different types of water technologies, some regions of Bangladesh still continued to suffer from water scarcity and quality. Journal of Materials Processing . Environmental problems of the marine and coastal area of Bangladesh | UNEP - UN Environment Programme Skip to main content The coastline of Bangladesh is about 710 km long and the continental self extends over an area of about 24,800 sq. An estimated 333,000 people have greater protection from tidal flooding and storm surges and 424,000 . Vulnerability of Coastal Area 7. km which covers 19 districts. During the last 100 years, Bangladesh has experienced 53 major cyclones. It extends from 20'34N to 26'38N latitude and from 88'01E to 92'41E longitude. In the coastal area of Bangladesh, there are many such islands/LTEs which are created due to the devastating effect of some cyclones occurred in the past. Notwithstanding, Bangladesh has a long history of coping with disasters and recovery form damages. The country is sloping gently from the north to the south, meeting the Bay of Bengal at the southern end. About 20 million people in the coastal areas of Bangladesh are affected by salinity for pure drinking water. In this paper, water consumption behaviour in two southwestern coastal districts of Bangladesh has been investigated. Thus, the coastal zone of Bangladesh, the lowest landmass of the country, is continually influenced by these Himalayan drainage ecosystems that join to form one of the largest, youngest, and most active deltas in the world. The economic activities of coastal zone are circulated by fishing, agriculture, salt farming and shrimp cultivation. Maximum extension is about 440 km in the E-W direction and 760 km in the NNW-SSE direction. Bangladesh is one of the most cyclone prone countries in the world. Coastal geography of Bangladesh 1. An area of more than 128,000 ha crop land is affected due to water congestion from those three coastal districts of Bangladesh (Figures 9b, 10). of which about. Chittagong - is the second-largest city of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Geography Bangladesh covers an area of 147,570 sq km, a little more than the size of Greece. Also, the changing climate has . Bangladesh's coastal area covers about 20% of the country and over thirty percent of the net cultivable area. This paper aims to outlines the method of 4.1 List of Existing Adaptation Practices in SW Coastal Area of Bangladesh The local people of South-Western coastal area are struggling against the adverse climate change impacts for a long time. The average sunshine data of these areas show that the period of bright (i.e., more than 200 W/m 2 intensity) sunshine hours in the coastal region of Bangladesh varies from 3 to 11 hours daily and the global radiation varies from 3.8 kWh/m 2 /day to 6.4 kWh/m 2 /day . According to the coastal . These economic activities are fully dependent on natural resources and Bangladesh, home to 160 million people, is among the countries most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. A 45-centimeter sea level rise in Bangladesh may dislocate about 35 million people from 20 coastal districts by 2050. 2. Geo-Social Context of Bangladesh's Coast The coastal areas of Bangladesh is different from rest of the country not only because of its unique geo-physical characteristics but also for different socio-political consequences that often limits people's access to endowed resources and perpetuate risk and vulnerabilities. The epidemiological data on shigellosis in Teknaf, a coastal area of Bangladesh, were reviewed for a 10-year period (1975-84). Hafez ahmad Coastal Geography of Bangladesh 2. ffthe coastal zone of bangladesh depending on the geomorphological … Boro paddy has been planted on fallow land for the first time in about 100 bighas of land in Bakerkathi village. The coastal zone2 of Bangladesh spans over 710 km of coastline and is prone to multiple threats. Fallow land of coastal area will be brought under cultivation: Razzaque. Bangladesh Geography Bangladesh covers an area of 147,570 sq km, a little more than the size of Greece. Climate change would decrease the yield of ³boro ´ rice by 55-62% and wheat by 61% by 2050 in Bangladesh (Adger, 2003) . In the south-west region of Bangladesh there exists about 200,000 ha (including the 128,000 ha from reported three districts) of natural and artificial wetlands (unpublished report). The whole coast runs parallel to the Bay of Bengal, forming 710 km long coastline (CZPo, 2005). Advertisement 3. Vulnerabilities in the coastal zone of Bangladesh are increasing with accentuations of natural hazards and sea level rise caused by various factors. It extends inside up to 150 km from the coast. Director General of Bangladesh Rice Research Institute Shahjahan . Bangladesh is considered one of the countries most at risk to the effects of climate change and its coastal area is most vulnerable. Salinity mainly affects land and water in the coastal areas. The data for this study were collected through a survey conducted on 750 rural households in 39 villages of the study area. Bangladesh Rice Research Institute has . Date released: 1 June 2017 860,000 households affected 4.3 million people affected coastal areas 540,000 poor people 6 Rohingya refugee affected Southeast coast of Bangladesh; Risk of landslide in the Chittagong Hill Tracts 5 districts affected VERSION 0 Priority 1 270,000 poor Households within this classification reside Kabir and others were present on the occasion. VISION & MISSION Vision A prosperous, empowered and healthy coastal community with equal rights, dignity and social justice irrespective of caste, creed and gender. To accommodate these changes, frequent updating With an area of 148,460 sq. The coastal region in Bangladesh covers almost 29,000 km 2 or about 20% of the country land area, while it covers more than 30% of the cultivable lands of the country (Haque 2006).In terms of administrative consideration, 19 districts out of 64 are considered as coastal districts (BBS 2011; MoEF 2007).Ten out of 19 coastal districts of Bangladesh (Fig. The total area of Bangladesh is about 2,48,677 sq km. Bangladesh Geography. Zircon flour made from Bangladesh zircon can effectively replace imported zircon flour in ceramic glaze, if adequate size reduction and purification is carried out. 102490. doi: 10.1016/j.algal.2021.102490 APA Maximum extension is about 440 km in the E-W direction and 760 km in the NNW-SSE direction. Coastal Zone of BANGLADESH 4. This study tries to explore the experiences of cyclones Sidr and Aila affected people living in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. Materials and methods Almost 9, 00,000 people died owing t o change on coastal zone of Bangladesh. According to Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), the total population in 16 coastal districts amounts to around 34 million (24 percent) over an area of 42,000 square kilometres (29 percent). Independently¸ delineation of the coastal zone in Bangladesh is done for many different purposes and from different perspectives. With the consequence of climate change, it gradually extends towards inland water and soil. Dhaka, Bangladesh, Abstract— II.Coastal communities confront a lot of challenges including natural hazard, flooding, cyclone, salinity intrusion, drainage congestion etc in the face of climate change. Coastal Area of Bangladesh Md. Bangladesh has a coastline of 710 km, and the coastal zone extends over 47,150 km 2 areas. As a first follow-up activity to decision 11/7 of the governing council, the Executive Director of UNEP convened, in cooperation with South Asian cooperative Environment programme (SACEP), a meeting on national focal points of the states of the region in order to seek their views on how to proceed in developing a comprehensive action plan for the protection and management of the marine and . As the water flow becomes sluggish, creating a backwater effect further several environmental issues which these! Natural choice roof of Sabura & # x27 ; s house and a powerful tidal smashed. Tries to explore the experiences of cyclones Sidr and Aila affected people in. A powerful tidal surge smashed compared with urban Dhaka and rural Matlab (... This paper, water consumption behaviour in two southwestern coastal districts of is! These places are very suitable for growing Shrimps radiation is sufficient to produce electricity solar... 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